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horse carving, horse statue, telecaster guitar, art telecaster, guitar carving, carved guitar, wood carving, artwood, woodcarving

I present to you the AWESOME Ton Dias carved guitars and rare guitars. These amazing and gorgeous  jobs are a fusion of absolutely fabulous wood carvings with lutherie and music.

These creations are not mere artifacts of decoration. They are "real" rare guitars, carved, built with ​​reference to a high standard in everything. The main aim of this carved guitars is to ensure longevity, playability and powerful sound merging with the art wood carving.

dragon guitar, dragon carving, dragon statue, guitar carving, carved guitar, wood carving, artwood, woodcarving

What is commonly used in musical instruments combines with more conventional handmade guitars. These carved guitars are not conventional, and, therefore, deserve more than the conventional one. A differential creation that unites art, music and luthiery deserves differential structures, to provide results above high standard elements.

Aged wood, custom hardware made ​of highly durable materials (stainless steel, 12.9, 8.8 steel), high quality pickups, stainless steel frets and nickel-silver frets guarantee longevity and flawless structure for the custom guitars. This is the concept. High standard top hand made guitars added to a refined woodcarving work, providing to musicians a direct communication link with the deities from all walks of reality!

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